Corporate Social Responsibility

We know about our responsibility and attach great importance to CSR – internally and external. The Austrian Verband Druck & Medientechnik awarded us in 08/2017 with the CSR-cachet. This guarantees fair working conditions, sustainable productions, gentle handling with the environment, a solid economic performance, responsible acting as a regional partner.
Furthermore we are not only a reliable partner for your printing needs; we always endeavor to support those of us who need help the most.
OÖ Kinderkrebshilfe - The OÖ-Kinderkrebshilfe has more than 1,700 members and is an indispensable contact point for families with a child suffering from cancer. The services range from direct financial support to the financing of the external oncology care service.

Africa Amini Alama - The goal of this project is to help the people of Tanzania where they need it the most, and to support them in such a way that they can continue on their path on their own.

CliniClowns - CliniClowns always bring a breath of magical joy to the critically ill children, adults, and geriatric patients they visit, and in this way help them forget their pain and suffering, even if only for a short while.

immo-humana - The immo-humana association helps single mothers and unwed expectant mothers who are in need of housing, but due to their financial circumstances are unable to maintain suitable housing for themselves and their children.

Laudatekids - Laudatekids not only organize Sunday masses, baptisms, and weddings, they are also involved with advent events, carnival processions, and thus form an invaluable and enriching youth work experience in Waizenkirchen.

Lions Club - Lions Club International is an organization with over 1.35 million members throughout the world; its overarching philosophy is benevolence. Its goal is to help those close to us in a simple, uncomplicated manner, as swiftly and efficiently as possible, guided by the motto: “We serve.”

Mobile Kinderkrankenpflege - MOKI is an association of freelance certified pediatric nurses with multiple years of professional experience and strong individual commitment, which is devoted to the caring and serving in an advisory capacity in home-based nursing care for children.

Save the Child Upper Austria - Save the Child Upper Austria supports unbureaucratically and precisely destitute children from the region.

The association Nordlicht sees itself as a competence center for attachment, trauma education and trauma therapy and offers versatile offers for those affected and professionals.
Der i2b Businessplan-Wettbewerb takes place every year and businessplans from all over Austria are awarded with money- and proper prices. Founding with concept.